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So that a creator can economically enjoy his work, the Copyright Act delimits the context of its protection. This law applies to several types of documents: book, magazine article, web page, images, etc.

The Law authorizes, among other things, students to partial use of the work for personal study and research purposes.

During research work, it is important to respect certain principles in order to use the information collected fairly and honestly and thus avoid plagiarism.

Goals orangeObjective

  • Identify plagiarism situations and adopt good practices to avoid them.

In addition to the Copyright Act, there are UQAM regulations, and licenses with electronic resource providers.

Some situations may not be covered by these normative texts, in which case personal ethics and professional standards will guide the fair use of information.




  • To avoid plagiarism, you must always mention the source from which the information used comes and, in certain cases, obtain authorization. Academic work should consist primarily of personal analysis and should in no case be a collage of quotes and paraphrases.

Links Document orangeLinks/documents