Who can borrow ?

The loan are opened to ESSCA community of all campuses.
Students must have a 
valid student card. 


How to borrow ?

Select what your want to borrow, searching on Library Catalog.
Make sure of its availability.

Go to the information desk with items you want to borrow and your valid student card to record your loans.
If you 're not on Angers campus, you can ask for an inter-site loan, filling this form.

Please note that loan period is defined according to your needs and those of the community.
The Library team will apply restriction if its required. 

You don't need to come in person to bring back your loan at Library .
If you can't come, send borrowed items to the library or mandat someone to bring it back at Angers.

My Library Account

Create your reader's account on the library's catalog. Enter your @essca email address and create your own password.  This account will allow you to follow your reservations, borrowings and searches on the catalog. 

What item can I borrow ?

You can borrow any kind of documents of the Library :books, maps, newspapers and magazines, calculators for a period determined with you, within the limit of availability of the items.

  • PGE or Bachelor students : 20 items maximum
  • Faculty member : unlimited
How to renew ?

To renew a loan, you have to come to the library with the items you want to keep longer before the delay expired.
If the items haven't been reserved your loan will be extended.


How to reserve items ?

To make a reservation you must first create and log in to your reader account on the library catalog. When your search results are displayed, click on reserve, then come and pick up your documents at the library.